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- 国铁集团、铁五院、石家庄铁道大学专家 一行到银河集团9873.cσm股份座谈交流2024.11.02
- 杨宏军一行赴达刚控股座谈交流2024.11.02
- 银河集团9873.cσm股份召开学习传达陕煤集团落实全省稳增长推进会精神专题会2024.10.29
- “提质创效 迎篮而上”公司举办“建设机械化杯”青年职工3V3篮球比赛2024.10.25
- 中铁机械院总经理冯炼一行到银河集团9873.cσm股份座谈交流2024.10.25
- 公开竞聘激发干事创业动能活力2024.10.25
- 柴昭一在2024中国工程机械工业协会施工机械化分会年会上作主题演讲2024.10.25
- 陕煤集团专题落实全省稳增长推进会精神2024.10.22
- 陕煤集团召开2024年度“最美员工”颁奖晚会筹备工作会2024.10.16
- 陕煤集团在全省国资国企高质量发展大会上作交流发言2024.10.15
- 陕煤集团召开人力资源例会暨“三定”工作推进会2024.10.15
- 陕煤集团在全省国资国企高质量发展大会上作交流发言2024.10.14
- 陕煤集团党委召开2024年第二轮巡察工作动员部署会2024.10.08
- 中国政研会到陕煤集团调研思想政治工作2024.09.14
- 陕西日报 | 火箭发射用上了“陕西煤”——陕西能源化工产业高质量发展系列报道之二2024.10.15
- 学习强国 | 银河集团9873.cσm股份“丝博会”签下海外产品出口大单2024.10.08
- 免费开放!多件重要革命文物在淮海战役纪念馆首次展出2024.09.28
- 三秦网 | 银河集团9873.cσm股份银蜻蜓科技获“最具发展潜力奖”2024.09.28
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- 腾讯网 | 银河集团9873.cσm股份首批新能源矿用无轨胶轮车正式发运2024.08.06
- 中国日报 | 银河集团9873.cσm股份首批新能源矿用无轨胶轮车正式发运2024.08.06
- 氢能发动机:绿色能源新纪元的引领者与未来动力之源2024.03.19
- 国务院关于印发《推动大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新行动方案》的通知2024.03.18
- 新阶段、新格局、新作为——第十九届中国工程机械发展高层论坛一对话实录2022.08.28
- 协会六届三次会员代表大会暨第十九届中国工程机械发展高层论坛盛大召开2022.08.23
- 建筑起重机械分会2022年度中期理事会在徐州召开2022.07.27
- 风动,心动,还是幡动——今年工程机械行业蕴含发展良机?2022.05.05
- 【两会工业观察】数字化,工业发展“强引擎”2022.03.22
Construction Machinery01
Construction Machinery
The self-developed STC Serial Tower Crane is equipped with the current domestic and international cutting-edge intelligent information technology, an intelligent cockpit that integrates electronic control, monitoring, operating system and living space and the intelligent remote operation platform. Its comprehensive technology leads the development direction of the industry.
Road Construction Machinery02
Road Construction Machinery
The editor-in-chief unit of the design, manufacturing, use, testing and other national standards of the Asphalt Concrete Paver of China
Steel Structure03
Steel Structure
SCMC owns the first-class qualification of steel structure engineering professional contracting and a complete light steel and heavy steel production line. The business scope is from industrial plants, multi-high-rise steel structure buildings to large-span venues and bridge construction. Products cover industrial and civil construction, water conservancy, electric power, bridges, metallurgy, chemical, mining and other industries.
Road Construction Contracting04
Road Construction Contracting
Mainly engaged in the airport, municipal roads, road and bridge construction, pavement construction engineering contracting business, providing pavement construction machinery leasing, remanufacturing, spare parts sales, technical advice, pavement materials processing and sales and other comprehensive services
Rental Service05
Rental Service
SCMC owns "Class A Special Equipment Installation, Transformation and Maintenance License" and "Lifting Equipment Installation Engineering Professional Contracting Level One" qualification. SCMC is the one-stop comprehensive solution provider of construction engineering, energy engineering, traffic engineering and other required mechanical equipment installation, on-site operation, maintenance, disassembly and exit.